May 22 2003 – 153rd day aboard – At Sea

Woke at 10:00 for my usual morning theatre duties while we’re at sea. A mostly boring and uneventful day. The ocean is fairly rough today and the ship is rocking around quite a bit. The cast is a little uneasy by it because they’ve yet to do a performance when the stage is moving so much, so there’s nervous chatter about the potential for an injury. Oh well, they knew what they were signing up for when they made the decision to dance on a ship. In other news my hand is still sore from when I was drunk and hurt it somehow last Friday night, it’s a little concerning because it’s been almost a full week – so there’s that.

There was some technical disaster in the evening with the theatre shows. Right at the top of the 2nd run the computer in the tech booth completely crashed. Of course this meant that none of the sound, lighting, or stage movements would operate on cue as they are supposed to and panic quickly ensued over the headsets. Everything needed to be done on the fly manually and with perfect timing to keep the production running seamlessly. Thankfully we are all highly skilled professionals, miraculously only one of us was drunk, Claude (Quick Piss), and I don’t think he was seeing double yet. It was a very tense 45 minutes as my three teammates in the booth were constantly counting down the seconds until the next cue. We managed to stumble our way through and neither the audience nor the cast noticed that anything was wrong – the only thing that suffered was Claude’s poor bladder as his duties operating the stage movements prevented him from leaving to take his usual “quick piss” every five minutes. A job well done by the AV team.

At the end of the night all of us went down to the staff bar to evaporate the stress from the show and I drank myself into oblivion by alternating between Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey and Heineken Lager Beer. Stumbled back to the cabin and crashed at around 02:30.

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